Jason Waechter has been the owner and head litigator for the Law Offices of Jason Waechter for over 30 years. He manages his five-attorney firm while litigating significant vehicle-related personal injury cases and all the No-Fault claims that come with them. Waechter specializes in handling serious motorcycle crash cases and is known as, “The Motorcycle LawyerSM.”
Jason has made a strong commitment to the motorcycle community. A portion of every legal fee goes to his motorcycle education and accident prevention campaign. He has revitalized the Bystander Assistance Program, a workshop where attendees learn how to respond after a motorcycle crash with rescue breathing, accident scene management and basic first aid. He is proud that his firm has guided over 2,500 Michigan bikers through the course.
Extensive trial experience, including a $2 million jury verdict, has contributed significantly to obtaining over $50 million in settlements to Waechter’s clients. Handling over 1,000 motorcycle accident cases has provided extensive and specialized experience held by virtually no other personal injury attorney.